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Common Causes of Roofing Damage

Roofing damage can be caused by a variety of factors, including weather, age, and improper installation or maintenance. Understanding the common causes of roofing damage can help you take steps to prevent it and prolong the life of your roof. Once signs of roof damage appear, be sure to call a trusted handyman. Here are the common causes of roofing damage:

Weather Damage on Roof

One of the most common causes of roofing damage is environmental elements. Severe storms such as hail, wind, and snow can damage roofs, particularly if the roof is old or not properly maintained. To prevent weather-related damage, it is important to keep your roof in good condition by cleaning gutters, removing debris, and making repairs as needed. It is also a good idea to have a professional inspect your roof regularly to identify any potential issues.


Age is another factor that can contribute to roofing damage. As roofs get older, they become more prone to wear and tear. This can lead to problems such as leaks, rot, and crumbling. To prevent damage caused by age, it is essential to have your roof inspected regularly and to make repairs as needed. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace an old roof to prevent further damage.

Poor Roofing Work

Improper installation or maintenance can also cause roofing damage. If a roof is not installed correctly, it can lead to problems such as leaks and structural issues. To prevent this, it is important to choose a reputable roofing company and follow proper maintenance guidelines. This includes cleaning gutters, removing debris, and making repairs as needed.

Pest Infestation

Other factors that can cause roofing damage include pests, such as rodents and birds, and tree branches that come into contact with the roof. To prevent damage caused by pests, it is important to seal any openings that they may use to access the roof and trim branches that are close to the roof.

Companies like Armando Maintenance & Service are the ones that you can trust for affordable handyman services in the area. We’re known in all Santa Rosa, CA for the quality services that we’re offering at affordable prices. For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us at (707) 238-1198!

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